Tuesday, May 26, 2009

DAS (Direct Access Motorbike Licence) and Motorbike training in London...

So, here we go! The very first post on my new, shiny blog. It's long overdue considering I have been working in the technology sector for a long time now. However, my first post is not about technology, it's about motorbikes and the training with the guys from the OffTheCurb motorbike training school.

Firstly, I would like to brag a little bit about passing my DAS test - yes, I am now fully qualified to ride any motorbike of any engine size and transmission. That includes electric motorbikes but I don't think I will be venturing onto those any time soon (although this Californian company sounds promising but it's still way too expensive to own a decent one).

Let me start with thanking the guys from OffTheCurb school for providing a very good training indeed. I think Fred, Pete, John and the others have done a good job of training the new riders. I had a feeling they cared which is quite important in that business. Fred is a legend, great sense of humour (he actually addressed me most of the time using my friend's name who did the same training a few weeks earlier!), however, I didn't mind, it was all towards a good cause :)

I captured a photo of Fred (middle), Douglas (left, my fellow trainee rider, great guy) and myself after we passed our test. You can see we are pleased with the result ;)

The new DAS test consists of 2 parts: test centre day (basically, going through the manoeuvres such as U-turns, avoidance, emergency braking, etc.) all under exam conditions AND the road driving day where you ride on the main roads for around 40 minutes accompanied by a DSA examiner. The guys from OffTheKerb are very knowledgeable and should be able to get you through the exams with no problems.

Anyway, that's enough for the first post I think.... If you want to contact OffTheKerb, their web address is www.offthekerbmct.co.uk. Their offices are in Fulham (London) but the main training site is in White City, across the road from BBC centre. Great location if you live in Central or South/West London.